Position Descriptions
Below you will find the full position duties for all RHA positions. Position duties are subject to change based on amendments proposed and approved by the RHA Coordinating Board. In addition to the position specific duties, all members are responsible for the following:
All Executive Council members:
Attend all RHA Coordinating Board meetings for the duration of the whole term.
Shall attend all office hours in order to complete RHA-related tasks.
Attend all RHA Coordinating Board retreats and workshops.
Attend a minimum of one (1) one-on-one meeting with their designated advisor per quarter
Attend all RHA Coordinating Board “all hands on deck” programs and events as designated by the RHA Advisors.
Write a transition report at the end of the term.
Shall write a minimum of one (1) Of the Month Awards per quarter.
Act as a student leader.
Enter the leadership position with and maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) equal to or higher than a 2.0.
Individuals with under a 2.0 cumulative GPA will not be eligible to hold a position.
If a RHA Coordinating Board Member receives a quarterly GPA of lower than a 2.0, that member must meet with the RHA advisor and will be put on probation.
If that member has a quarterly GPA lower than a 2.0 for two (2) consecutive quarters, that member will be up for recall. At the end of each quarter, the advisor(s) receive grades for all the RHA Coordinating Board members from Residential & Community Living to follow up with anyone that might fall under the GPA requirement.
Maintain a conduct record free of documentations.
If an RHA Coordinating Board member is documented, that member must meet with the RHA advisor to discuss the incident and the impact on the community as a student leader.
If a member’s conduct is severe as determined by the advisor(s) and Student Conduct department of Residential and Community Living, the member may be removed from their position by the advisors.
Act as a representative of RHA in all matters, particularly when holding programs, interacting with residents, parents, administrators, and other invested parties, and holding office hours. This includes maintaining an appropriate level of professionalism and workplace ethics.
Must live in the Residence Halls throughout the duration of their term of office.
To jump to a specific position, click the title below:
Administrative Vice President
Programming Vice President
Financial Vice President
Media Coordinator
Health and Wellness Chair Coordinator
Environmental Awareness Chair Coordinator
Queer and Trans Student Engagement Chair Coordinator
International Student Engagement Chair Coordinator
RHA President
Be the official representative of the RHA.
Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Have the power to call and administer all RHA elections.
Chair the Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
Chair the RHA Scholarships Committee
Serve on the Judicial Review Board
Be responsible for Residential Dining Services tabling.
Chair the RHA Leadership Forum.
Chair the weekly RHA meetings (except Dead and Finals week) and have the power to recognize motions made by RHA members, call members out of order, and be able to remove extremely disruptive members or audience from the meeting, according to “Meeting Procedures” found in Article X Section 3.
Serve as the liaison at the conferences listed under Section 3 article 1 of the PACURH governing documents.
The RHA President will serve as the voting representative of the University of California, Santa Barbara in the Presidential Boardrooms.
Serve as the liaison at the conferences listed under the NACURH governing documents.
The RHA President will serve as the voting representative of the University of California, Santa Barbara in the Presidential Boardrooms.
Hold seven (7) office hours per week in the RHA offices.
Chair weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Administrative Vice President
Keep accurate records of all meetings of the RHA Coordinating and Executive Boards.
Plan and publish the RHA agendas and minutes.
Act as the office manager for an RHA office at the discretion of the advisors.
Act as the director of office supplies.
Write any proposed changes of the RHA Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
Keep an up-to-date copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.
Chair the RHA Elections Committee.
Work with the Media Coordinator to keep all media outlets up to date.
Assign and post an office hour schedule for those required to hold office hours each quarter in all the RHA offices.
Notify individuals and groups to present at RHA Coordinating Board meetings
Notify individuals and groups upon decisions made by RHA Coordinating Board including but not limited to flyering and support.
Share the responsibilities of maintaining RHA’s Shoreline account in consultation with the Advisor(s).
Hold four (4) office hours per week in the RHA offices.
Serve on two (2) internal committees, which shall be:
Serve on the Judicial Review Board
Serve on the Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Keep record of the RHA members’ participation in internal committees.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Programming Vice President
Be the primary executive contact for all RHA Coordinating Board programming.
Actively participate in all the RHA Coordinating Board major programs as outlined in Section 2 Article 5 of the RHA Constitution.
Work with the Media Coordinator to keep all media outlets up to date.
In partnership with the NRHH President, plan the end of year joint RHAxNRHH recognition banquet.
Chair the Judicial Review Board.
Serve on the Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
Act as the office manager for an RHA office at the discretion of the advisors.
Chair at least one (1) program per quarter.
Hold four (4) office hours per week in the RHA offices.
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Financial Vice President
Maintain the financial records of the RHA.
Prepare and present an annual budget to the RHA Coordinating Board for its approval within four (4) weeks of the beginning of fall quarter in conjunction with the advisors.
The RHA executive council may approve a temporary budget prior to the election of the Hall Council Presidents.
Present the budget to the RHA Coordinating Board in a weekly financial report.
Supervise the collection and distribution of the RHA funds in accordance with the RHA Constitution and By-Laws.
Serve on the Judicial Review Board.
Serve on the Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
Chair the Finance Committee.
Hold four (4) office hours per week in the RHA offices.
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Serve as the office manager for an RHA office at the discretion of the advisors.
Media Coordinator
Be responsible for all advertising and publicity of the RHA to the campus community.
Update and otherwise maintain the RHA web page.
Coordinate with the Administrative Vice President and Programming Vice President to keep information on the web page current.
Work with the RHA Coordinating Board members in producing flyers, posters, Digiknow ads, and other forms of publicity.
Be responsible for creating resident awareness of RHA through The Flush and all other mediums.
Prior to the distribution of The Flush, the Media Coordinator will receive approval from the RHA President.
Act as the official RHA Historian, responsible for documenting all RHA events, retreats, and activities with the help of a committee, and be responsible for placing images and other content on social media
Hold four (4) office hours a week in the RHA offices.
Chair the flush committee
Serve on one (1) internal committees per quarter.
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Health and Wellness Chair Coordinator
Implement the joint RHA and Health and Wellness Safer Sex Peers program for the residential community.
Hold one Health and Wellness themed program per quarter.
Strive to educate residents and RHA about Health and Wellness issues and programs.
Serve as a liaison between RHA and Health and Wellness updating the respective organizations on each other’s activities.
Write a transition report after every program.
Hold three (3) office hours per week in the RHA offices
Serve on 2 internal committees per quarter.
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Environmental Awareness Chair Coordinator
Work towards creating a culture of environmentalism and sustainability within the RHA and the residential community through programming, education, and awareness.
Ensure that the RHA remains a leader in terms of environmentalism and sustainability through the evaluation of its processes, practices, purchases, and attitudes.
Collaborate with other campus environmental & sustainability organizations including but not limited to:
UCSB Sustainability
Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee
Assist the environmental efforts of the University, if and when these are in line with the general precepts and values of environmentalism and sustainability.
Uphold the RHA Green Bill. This entails:
Quarterly revision and, if necessary, updating of the Green Bill.
Presentation of the Green Bill to the Coordinating Board during the Fall Retreat.
Presentation of the Green Bill to the EAC’s during the RHA Leadership Forum and the first meeting of Winter Quarter.
Direct enforcement of the Green Bill within the Coordinating Board and proxy enforcement in the building’s under RHA purview through their respective EAC.
Be in charge of the RHA Compostable Materials Bank when it is established or becomes available.
Host or co-host a large-scale event to promote environmental awareness and other environmental organizations during Week of Welcome or early in Fall Quarter.
Host or co-host an Earth Day event.
Plan and execute the yearly environmental competition in concert with Housing Dining & Auxiliary Enterprises and UCSB Sustainability.
Host or co-host at least one (1) environmentally-themed program per quarter.
Attend RHA Coordinating Board meetings.
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Serve on two (2) Internal Committees per quarter.
Hold three (3) office hours per week in the RHA offices.
Queer and Trans Student Engagement Chair Coordinator
Host or co-host at least one (1) program per quarter marketed to or in support of the Queer & Trans community.
Strive to educate about issues of social justice and diversity in order to provide a support system for all communities in Residential Housing by bringing visibility to and engaging with the Queer and Trans Community in Residential Housing.
Act as a liaison between the RCSGD and RHA Coordinating Board
Write a transition report after every program.
Serve on two (2) internal committees per quarter.
Hold three (3) office hours per week in the RHA offices.
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
International Student Engagement Chair Coordinator
Work towards creating a culture of inclusion and camaraderie between all students through programming, education, communication, and awareness.
Hold at least one (1) program per quarter marketed to or in support of the international student community.
Serve as a liaison between the Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) and their respective Council and RHA
Assist UCSB OISS with their outreach programs and general efforts.
Attend weekly Executive Council meetings while RHA is in session.
Attend Leadership Involvement Training (LIT) prior to Fall Quarter.
Complete a transition report at the end of the term, including individual program evaluations.
Serve on two (2) internal committees per quarter.
Hold three (3) office hours per week in the RHA offices